I can still vividly remember the first time I met my boss at Harrods.
I’m sure I’d be forgiven if I said it was her slight Miranda Priestly’esque vibe that created this lasting impression. But the truth is it wasn’t.
It was the way she styled herself!
The cut and colour of her clothes, the shoes and jewellery she’d chosen, her impeccable grooming, were all imprinted on my mind. She exuded so much style and sophistication it made her unforgettable.
We probably all know someone similar who, let’s face it, could look good in a bin liner! Whether it’s a colleague who sashays into the office every day looking runway-ready, or a business owner who always looks on-brand in every photo you see.
But have you ever wondered how they manage to pull it off so effortlessly?
Well, I’ll let you into a little secret…
It’s not that hard! And there’s no doubt in my mind that you can do it too, and without spending hours agonising over every outfit or replacing your entire wardrobe.
Stay with me as I’m spilling the beans on my top five hacks for looking stylish and expertly put together, whether you’re working from home, hitting the office, or taking to the stage to speak in front of a crowd.
Let’s dive in!
It’s all in the planning
How many times have you found yourself scrambling for something to wear moments before heading to an important event?
Leaving things to the last-minute increases your risk of making hasty decisions that you might later regret…embarrassingly placed missing button on a shirt anyone or is that just me?!
The key to making a lasting impression for all the right reasons, is in the planning. So, start thinking about your outfit well in advance.
Give yourself time to reflect on your true style and how you want to showcase it in a professional way. Then have fun putting an outfit together, try it on, and even snap a photo so you can check it looks just right.
An extra tip: when you hit on a killer combination save the photo into an album on your phone and over time build up a reference library of outfits – this is such a game changer for saving time.
Perfect fit is the way to go
A common mistake many women make is wearing clothes that don’t suit their body shape.
Sure, oversized blazers and loose dresses might be in fashion, but remember, the goal here is to make a professional impression, so it’s essential you wear clothes that truly complement your body and speak to the impression you want to give.
Fashion trends come and go, but one thing that always holds true is that well-fitted clothes make you look smart and competent, so you look the part – fact!
Mind those horizontal lines
I was recently at a networking event, and I couldn’t help but notice how one of the guest speakers missed the mark with her outfit (I know, I know, I can’t help it, it’s the stylist in me).
She was on stage as a thought leader, but her clothes weren’t giving that impression. Sadly, there was a mismatch going on. It was clear to me that little thought had gone into her look, and the result was an outfit that didn’t do justice to her professional image.
The devil really is in the details, so pay attention to things like tucking and untucking, top and blazer lengths, and avoid creating unflattering horizontal lines that chop your body shape in the wrong places.
Harmonise colours and prints
Wearing colour or a bold print can look amazing and create a memorable impact. The skill however is in making sure those elements play well together and there is a connection.
If in doubt how to pair colour and prints, aim for harmonious blends that are pleasing to the eye, rather than crazy clashes where there is more chance of getting it wrong.
And keep it professional by opting for a statement piece in one area, and have the other elements be complimentary – balance is key for looking put together and stylish.
The art of grooming
Never underestimate the power of grooming…remember what I shared about my boss at Harrods and her impeccable grooming. Sure, she got blowouts every second day, but that doesn’t mean achieving a polished look is a mission impossible. Something as simple as brushing your hair, or investing in hair tools that will speed up your mornings and adding a dash of makeup can make a significant difference.
Your outer appearance reflects your internal world and how much you value yourself.
Remember, your appearance speaks volumes about your professionalism and expertise. So, whether you’re aiming to attract prospects, land a dream job, or be seen as a thought leader, take the ten to twenty minutes every morning to align who you are and what you have to offer with your outward appearance, this will always be time well spent.
If you’ve enjoyed these hacks and want to learn more about influential style, you’re going to love my upcoming webinar: “Ditch the Dullness: 3 Zero-Cost Secrets to Catapult your Style from Boring to Influential”.
The webinar will include: 3 mistakes every woman needs to avoid in the morning when dressing; how to stop second guessing your true style; key strategies to elevate your style to the ultimate influential level and more. CLICK HERE to register and I can’t wait to see you there.