I’ve been pondering writing this blog for a while but have held off announcing so publicly that there’s a big change happening, while I continue ‘business as normal’.
If you don’t know already, here it is: I’m 6-months pregnant!
Whilst I’m absolutely ecstatic about having a new person in our lives very soon, I’ve been holding back with publicly sharing the news because I’ve been struggling with my constantly changing body. I’ve been obsessing over just how large I’m becoming! My body is unrecognizable to me, and is changing rapidly by the day.
The Vulnerable Truth
I feel very vulnerable sharing this because I know some may take it the wrong way and think I’m so lucky to be pregnant, and question why am I so focused on how I’m looking. And to be honest I have no answer to that. It’s truly a beautiful thing having a new life growing inside of me, but every time I stare at my body it looks so different.
Whilst many women love being pregnant, enjoying their cute bump and changing shape, for me nothing could prepare me for the emotional havoc this time round.
But all our journeys are different, we all have different experiences and different emotions and it’s important to acknowledge and respect that.
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
I think having a business and being the face of my business is one of the reasons I’m finding it challenging accepting the changes.
I also put a lot of pressure on myself!
I thought if I tell people I’m pregnant they won’t want to hire me – isn’t it funny the stories we tell ourselves! But actually during this pregnancy a lot of amazing opportunities have come my way, and all my clients have been so supportive. Where I saw it as a disability, it has in fact worked to my advantage.
Other reasons why I’ve found it difficult are because I imagined, this time round, I’d be fitter, eat healthier and do everything by the textbook, but unfortunately this fell by the wayside.
I suffered from severe sickness at the beginning where I could hardly eat anything healthy. I’ve been unable to exercise as work has kept me busy. I don’t find maternity clothes the most flattering and leggings and long t-shirts just aren’t my style! Plus, I have to admit, I’ve been obsessing over pregnant mummies on Instagram, where the only sure sign of them being pregnant is their demure bump! Comparisonitis has become a real and unhealthy thing in my life right now!
These are just a few of the reasons I’ve struggled.
I know from working with so many women, our weight or body shape can have a huge influence on how we feel about ourselves. That’s why I wanted to do this blog. Not only to say “Hey, I’m pregnant and I’m also struggling with accepting my body”, but also to share with you a few things I’ve done to embrace my changing shape.
Coming to Terms
Just writing all this down has helped tremendously with simply accepting that my body is changing and that’s ok!
It also helps focusing my attention on the positive aspects. There’s a human growing inside of me and that’s a beautiful miracle, and I also have boobs again – bonus! : )
Buying Clothes that Flatter You
One of the reasons I was struggling with embracing my body was because I was outgrowing my normal clothes. I could see myself getting stuck in the rut of rotating the same few pieces over and over, and this just isn’t me.
Last week I was in London and finally had some spare time to do some shopping. I found just by buying clothes that both flattered me and were aligned with my style personality, helped me gain my confidence back.
Invest in Some Nice Pieces
Spending a little bit of money on nice pieces can be challenging, especially when you want to shed those extra pounds or, in my case, when I know this will be my last pregnancy. But when you have good quality items and pieces you love, it really does make a difference to how you feel.
I know I say this all the time, but accessories are a great way to boost your confidence and show off your personality. They also helps attract attention to where you want, and detract from areas you want to minimize. Jewellery, scarves and shoes really can make all the difference!
Pamper Yourself
Do things that make you feel good about yourself. Get your hair done, put on makeup or go for a facial or massage. I think it’s so important to make time for yourself and to treat yourself. For me, almost every evening, I have a long relaxing bath with lavender oil and a scented candle. This just helps me to unwind and appreciate the smaller and wonderful things in my life.
I want to thank you so much for allowing me to acknowledge and share the truth of what’s been going on, and I hope these few tips help you. And if you’re finding it challenging embracing your body too, feel free to get in touch with me –it would be my pleasure to help you.